The TPP appears to be a fait accompli – a done deal. Future prospects for our species are dim. There is one spot of light – Bernie Sanders is running for President. For those who grasp the possibilities of this last chance to fend off the almost inevitable corporate take-over of world food and water supplies, I offer the following primer.
It is not about money, it is about getting out the vote. This is a labor intensive activity; anyone can help with the project.
The only election that truly matters is the Democratic Party Presidential Primary. It doesn’t matter who the Republicans choose from their very odd clown car. Hillary-Shillary has made it clear that her true constituents are transnational corporations including Monsanto. If she wins there will be no actual difference between the two parties.
The key to choosing Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee is registering voters who will vote for him. Therefore:
STEP ONE: Learn how to register voters. Look it up on-line or call your local Democratic Party and ask them.
STEP TWO: Wear a “Bernie for President” shirt and stand at locations where people can see you and have free speech rights. People will approach you – register them to vote. Have a pen and a clipboard. They MUST register as Democrats to vote for Bernie in the primary here in Oregon where I live.
STEP THREE: Get out the vote in the primary. If you have kept track of the people you registered to vote – make sure they actually vote. The Democratic Party in your area will sponsor Get Out the Vote (GOTV) activities – if you show up to help make it happen.
STEP FOUR: After he wins the nomination, volunteer a shift a week at Democratic Party Headquarters in support of Bernie. Some ways to help are walking door-to-door, making phone calls, updating computer data bases, and stuffing envelopes.
We can do this. It is not exaggerating to say that the fate of our species hangs in the balance.
It is not about money, it is about getting out the vote. This is a labor intensive activity; anyone can help with the project.
The only election that truly matters is the Democratic Party Presidential Primary. It doesn’t matter who the Republicans choose from their very odd clown car. Hillary-Shillary has made it clear that her true constituents are transnational corporations including Monsanto. If she wins there will be no actual difference between the two parties.
The key to choosing Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee is registering voters who will vote for him. Therefore:
STEP ONE: Learn how to register voters. Look it up on-line or call your local Democratic Party and ask them.
STEP TWO: Wear a “Bernie for President” shirt and stand at locations where people can see you and have free speech rights. People will approach you – register them to vote. Have a pen and a clipboard. They MUST register as Democrats to vote for Bernie in the primary here in Oregon where I live.
STEP THREE: Get out the vote in the primary. If you have kept track of the people you registered to vote – make sure they actually vote. The Democratic Party in your area will sponsor Get Out the Vote (GOTV) activities – if you show up to help make it happen.
STEP FOUR: After he wins the nomination, volunteer a shift a week at Democratic Party Headquarters in support of Bernie. Some ways to help are walking door-to-door, making phone calls, updating computer data bases, and stuffing envelopes.
We can do this. It is not exaggerating to say that the fate of our species hangs in the balance.