STEP 1) Get Bernie Sanders on the ballot in Virginia The governor has to appoint a board of elections and they issue the form for collecting voter signatures.
STEP 2) Register voters who are likely to vote for Bernie Sanders
STEP 3) GOTV for the primary
ABOUT: Fredericksburg Area for Bernie Sanders (FABS) was founded in 2015 to support the candidacy of Bernie Sanders in the 2016 election for president. The mission of FABS is to advance the progressive policy goals identified by Bernie Sanders, most importantly by electing him president in 2020.
FABS MONTHLY MEETING: FABS has a standing reservation at the Fredericksburg Library for a monthly meeting. Location: Central Rappahannock Regional Library Fredericksburg Branch Meeting Room 2 1201 Caroline St, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Date: The meeting is on the 4th Monday except if the Library is closed for a holiday, then on the 3rd Monday. Upcoming meetings are scheduled for May 20th, June 24th, July 22nd and August 26th. Typical Agenda: 6:00 pm Set up room. Coordinating Committee 6:30 pm Meet and Greet 7:00 pm Committee Reports 8:00 pm New Business 8:45 pm Clean up room 9:00 pm Library closed
FABS FACEBOOK GROUP The FABS FB group focuses on opportunities for action. The group is moderated to remove off-topic posts and disrespectful comments.
Gather petition signatures to get Bernie on the Primary in Virginia on Tuesday March 3, 2020
Register voters who are likely to vote for Bernie in the Primary
Put campaign-sanctioned poll watchers in every polling place on 3/3/20
Have a big party on 3/3/20 and then get back to work 3/4/20 campaigning for the Tuesday, November 3, 2020 General Election
Debate Watch Events
Informational Events
Demonstrations / Picketing / Leafleting
Learn how to be an advocate for progressive policies in the Democratic Party
Become a Delegate for Bernie to the 2020 Conventions in Richmond and Milwaukee
Coordinating Committee Members
Petition Signature Collection Team
Voter Registration Team
Social Media Team
Website Team
Prepared for the Bernie Kick-Off Event 4/27/19 by FABS Facilitator Shelley Pineo-Jensen, Ph.D. (Dr. P-J) Contact Dr. P-J through Facebook PM