No matter what happens in the 2016 primary and general election, we are now engaged in a revolution. We want our country back from the anti-democratic elements of our government. [Link here.] We want an end to the destruction of our biosphere. [Link here] We are building the networks of communication and friendship that will serve us going forward in support of the goals outlined by Bernie Sanders. [Link here] Stay strong, my friends. The revolution will not be televised.
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
We Live in an Oligarchy A recent study by Princeton University Prof Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Prof Benjamin concludes that the US is dominated by a rich and powerful elite.
Commentary on YouTube video of "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who The opening shots show a slow motion lava flow destroying all in its past. The planet will still be here, even if we destroy the ability of the biosphere to support human life.
According the person who posted "Won't Get Fooled Again," this song is a rock'n'roll call to arms for refuseniks and the disenfranchised. He wrote that composer Pete Townshend said about writing the song: "There was a transition in me from refusal to be co-opted by activists, to a refusal to be judged by people I found jaded and compliant."
The oligarchy constantly seeks to co-opt social and political movements that attempt to take power back for the rights of people. They repackage the same fear mongering and propaganda to meet the changing times. It is up to us to avoid being fooled again.
Corporate Media is not your friend
Bernie Rocks my Gypsy Soul
4/5/16 After winning Wisconsin: Looks like our Wisconsin win is 13 points. We are doing really well. We are on track to win the delegates we need to win the Democratic nomination. Winning the election will be cake compared to this. We just need to keep doing what we are already doing to succeed. Phone bank, canvass, donate, build our local and on-line communities. This revolution is a long-term thing - it won't be over in November, it will just be getting started. The kitchen sink may be coming be we will not be deterred. The fate of our species - of the biosphere of our beautiful home - hangs in the balance. We are in this together. Bernie rocks my gypsy soul, as do you all.
Next Steps
This revolution is just getting started. Our government is corrupt, our leaders (with a few key exceptions) are tools of the transnational corporations. The TPP is barreling down the road at us, with the TTIP and TiSA close behind. The carbon load in the atmosphere continues to climb unabated, the dead zones in the ocean are getting larger, the sea is rising, and we are experiencing both climate chaos and biosphere destruction. There is no reason to give up this work - in fact we need to commit ourselves to the long haul. The First Task: We need as many delegates as possible at the Democratic Convention. Remember that Hillary is still facing criminal charges for her illegal circumvention of FOIA and deletion of 30K emails. Her illegal pay-for-play with the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State is under investigation as well. There is a strong likelihood that she will be outed for her criminal activities. We need to have a strong showing for Bernie in the event of a brokered convention. We need our delegates at the convention to elect the members of the DNC who will write the party's platform. So continue to push for Bernie at every primary and caucus, no matter what. Fight the bloody battle 'til the very end. The Second Task: We will need to change the complexion of the Congress, replacing those who are tools with progressives who represent the people. That work is local and the groups we have formed are the same groups that can and should elect progressives to Congress to represent us. So maintain your information - your databases, your email lists, your Facebook groups, etc., outside of the DNC and even the Sanders campaign. Reinforce the connections you are making with other Bernie Sanders supporters in your area. Organize yourselves. The Third Task: This is a revolution. If we live in country with an almost completely corrupt government - how will we shake free of the bonds of slavery? Work within your local groups to identify the critical goals for your area. Jobs? Clean drinking water? Stopping fracking? How can we use our communication systems and people power to force the power-elite to do our bidding? In Iceland all the women in the country went on strike and they got equal pay and other rights.
"The opening moves have been played. The fight has taken shape. We are well into the middle-game." Jeff Roby has been writing about the notion of "political revolution" in the context of the Bernie Sanders campaign. He said, in part that "creating the “we” requires that we “Create sufficient cohesion and communication among the troops . . .so that we can become independent actors in this whole Political Revolution.” Here is a link to the rest of the article:
This Campaign is More than a REVOLUTION by Tim Curry "Ideology is easy to spot in those we deem extremist; it’s harder to see in those we deem “centrist.” All ideologues think their ideology is empirical — Engels called his “scientific socialism” — but centrists get away with it. We call their shared ideology “neoliberalism.” Its adherents include deficit hawks, military interventionists, market deregulators, free traders and, the key to it all, pay-to-play politicians.
This ideology is bipartisan. Without the full support of Democratic elites, NAFTA, the TPP, the Iraq war, Wall Street deregulation, every revolving door and no bid contract, every cut ever made to Social Security or Medicare, would be impossible. The culture wars we so loudly deplore are mostly a sideshow staged by political elites to hold onto their base while conducting their business. This election exposes the real divide in American politics, the one separating us from them.
Current rules of both parties are undemocratic All conventions are free to adopt their own rules. Victory may well go to whichever one has the courage to change. Hillary Clinton’s closing argument, other than her inevitability, is the impossibility of the middle class getting what it wants: a living wage, single payer health care, an end to pay-to-play politics. One thing’s for sure; we’ll never get them without new leader and new rules.
Bernie Sanders must stay in the race not only till the convention but till the end of whatever ballot nominates him or Hillary Clinton. He must do so because he and not she would make the stronger candidate and the better president. Regardless of how the next primaries, he should do it because his campaign isn’t just a revolution, it’s a movement that must outlast this election and many more to come. Blinded by ideology and self-interest, party elites say everything we want is impossible. The people in the movement know if we keep eyes on the prize we can do great things, even a thing as great as electing Bernie Sanders president."
Hillary is the new Nixon Hillary is the new Nixon - a lying crook who will say anything and do anything to get elected. She is a tool of the military industrial complex, leading to her actions as a war hawk, as clearly seen in her glib advocacy for the preemptive unwarranted attack on Iraq. I will NEVER vote for that tool.
I joined 100,000 others in Washing DC protesting the Iraq War the Sunday before we attacked - NOT because I am a pacifistic (I am not) but because the evidence was published in the New Yorker months earlier that the whole rational for that war was based on lies suborned by Dick Cheney. There was a total media black out of that protest, just as there was a total media black out of Bernie Sanders this past summer and fall, and biased coverage now (conflating super delegates with democratically pledged delegates is one manifestation.)
I knew the "evidence" that Sadam had nukes was a hoax. Bernie knew it was hoax. HILLARY KNEW IT WAS A HOAX.
We, the people, stopped the war in Vietnam but we couldn't stop the Iraq War. The media black out was successful.
This time, we the people are engaged in a REVOLUTION to free ourselves from the oppression of the transnational corporations, in a multitude of manifestations of degradations.
Thank you to the brave protesters who shut down Donald's fascist rally. We rise up. Power to the people.
Peace. Dr. P-J
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Big Brother is watching you. ~ George Orwell
Maggie's Farm - Bob Dylan I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more I aint gonna work on Maggie's farm no more Well, I try my best To be just like I am But everybody wants you To be just like them They say sing while you slave and I just get bored I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.