State Delegate for the 99th District of Virginia: Francis Edwards vs Margaret Ransone
Francis Edwards runs as the Anti-Fracking candidate, . . . the one who will work to protect our waterways and the Chesapeake Bay. Because one wrong blast, one spill, and our way of life is gone forever. Source: Click HERE For a link to Francis Edwards' website
Margaret Ransone voted in favor of the fracking companies not revealing the chemical they use. (HB1679) Ransone refuses to attend any meetings on fracking to discuss or defend her position. Ransone refuses to support banning fracking in Westmoreland the county where she lives. [Sources not supplied at this time]
From Ransone's website: Achieving Energy IndependenceSoaring energy costs stifle job growth and make it harder for families to make ends meet. I believe we must tap into the abundant resources on our own soil and support lifting the moratorium on Virginia’s off shore drilling once necessary safeguards to protect the environment and the marine life are in place.
Educating Our Children
As a Delegate, I have worked with my colleagues to remove burdensome state regulations, give localities greater flexibility over education dollars, and bring greater accountability and transparency to our schools.
Standing Up for Our Traditional Values
I will always defend the Right to Life and all traditional family values.
Margaret earned an “A” rating from the Family Foundation for her votes to uphold our traditional family values.