Bernie Sanders reminds me so much of Bobby Kennedy. We have missed Bobby's leadership all these years. Since he was assassinated after winning the California primary we have been mired in a pit of exploitation by the oligarchy.
Finally, we have a candidate for president who represents US - the people. Bernie Sanders inspires me. This a gentle REVOLUTION. We are all in this together.
Bobby Kennedy, visiting Cesar Chavez in 1968 With passion and sincerity, in his typically halting manner, Kennedy spoke in support of Chavez’s attempt to keep the struggle of the farm workers nonviolent: “I think people are frustrated and I think they’re terribly disturbed by the fact that they haven’t had more success and that the federal government in Washington has not been helpful to them and that the state has not been helpful to them, and this is not only true here, but elsewhere in the country, so that there is this frustration and there is apt to be this explosion. “I think that Cesar Chavez is very influential, but I think also what in the last analysis is the answer is that we pass the laws that will remedy the injustices. That’s what we should do, that’s what those of us in Washington should do. We shouldn’t just deplore the violence and deplore the lawlessness. We should pass the laws that remedy what people riot about. We can’t have violence in the country, but we should also not have these injustices continue.”
Raw television outtakes of Senator Robert F. Kennedy arriving at Delano, Calif., to help United Farm Workers union president Cesar E. Chevaz break his nearly month-long “spiritual and penitential fast for nonviolence,” March 10, 1968.
Bobby Kennedy, supporting East LA High School Students' Chicano Power Demonstrations in 1968 On March 31, thirteen of the walkout organizers were arrested for conspiracy to disturb schools and the peace, a felony charge. Included in the LA 13 were Sal Castro and Moctesuma Esparza. Sympathizers began demonstrations to release the LA 13 immediately. Students and community members held picket lines in front of the Hall of Justice downtown. They were supported by Black nationalists, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Senator Robert Kennedy, and Cesar Chavez. Legal defense was provided by the Chicano Legal Defense Committee and the American Civil Liberties Union.
Walking the walk Some politicians glibly parrot whatever words they think will win votes, then return to supporting the oligarchy that pays for their campaigns and their fine food. Some politicians do more than talk the talk - they walk the walk. And these politicians are few and far between. Bobby was killed in 1968. Bernie is running for president in 2016. The intervening years, 48 years - almost half a decade - have shown very little improvement in the status for farm workers. Bernie Sanders for president