I DIDN'T STOP GOOGLING IT August 3, 2017 This page seems out of date. Dr. P-J
Stop "Googling" It
Tired of Googling "primary results" and being presented with corporate media propaganda positioning Hillary Clinton as the heir apparent to the Democratic nomination for president? I know I am.
Combining the democratically elected delegates with the anti-democratically appointed "super" delegates (super-predators?) creates the illusion that Ms. Monsanto is way more popular with the American people. This is misleading.
We have choices! There are other search engines out there, and some of them do a much better job of representing primary election delegate data. One example is Yahoo.
What would a graphic look like that was not misleading? I created a graph that I think represents the same data and helps explain it more clearly. I am still figuring out how to show the numbers for super delegates I had to use negative numbers to produce the effect . . .
Here are some links to alternative search engines: