A recent article in the New Yorker described the anti-solar panel efforts of fossil fuel companies such as those owned by the Koch brothers, through groups they fund like American Legislative Exchange Council, better known as ALEC. In order to keep fossil fuel companies profitable, they have started a campaign to suppress the use of solar panels on homes, by charging them fees of $50 a month, payable to the for-profit energy provider. These corporations have blocked the practice of selling back excess energy at the going rate, which was one incentive to put solar panels on a home.
One solution is for municipalities to start their own power companies. Some cities have already taken over their power management, others are examining the possibility. When the power company refuses to serve the community, the community has the power to take over the service. People's power companies is an idea whose time has come. No more punishing people for generating clean source power!
Some readings:
Cities Weigh Taking Over From Private Utilities
Solar Power Battle puts Hawaii at Forefront of Worldwide Changes
People power beats corporate utility 2-to-1 in Boulder
Some readings:
Cities Weigh Taking Over From Private Utilities
Solar Power Battle puts Hawaii at Forefront of Worldwide Changes
People power beats corporate utility 2-to-1 in Boulder