Wednesday, May 26, 2021
We've been here at Campsite 2 for over a week. Yesterday was the half-way point when we resupply. We get ice, propane, and various groceries.
There is an ebb and flow to camping. We show up on a Tuesday and the campground has a lot of empty spots. Most of the people are quiet. On the weekends, the park fills up with noisy people, noisy children, bicycles, people walking dogs. Javy is very concerned about all of this. I like when Monday rolls around and there are fewer people around.
The campsite somewhat opposite of us has had three different camping groups so far. First was "angry woman." She had a big sleeping tent, a littler ten, and a nice-looking cargo box. It looked like a red coffin. There was no car there.
Angry Woman was talking on her mother on her cell phone. She was VERY loud, so we got to learn all kinds of information about her personal life, but there were some gaping holes in the narrative. She had had it with her boyfriend and was going to break up with him. He just didn't care . . . about something. He had another lover, a boyfriend. It had been that way from the beginning. She was homeless! Eventually, someone drove into the campsite. It was a man. Mike and I disagreed about whether that was the boyfriend, or whether it was a different person, a friend in whom she could confide. They kissed upon greeting - if that's a hint.
Not long after he arrived, Angry Woman started yelling and carrying on and using the F word. We could not hear the man's communications - Mike speculated that she was actually talking on her phone. She used the F-word a lot and had really had enough of the whole thing. She was through!
Eventually I could hear an angry man's voice. The Mike saw her get into the car. Then the man got into the car two and they drove away; she was tearing up the road which is impolite and dangerous in a campground but Angry Woman was VERY angry!
Some time later they came back. She had stopped yelling. They went about their business as if nothing had happened. The next day they packed up like experts and made like sheep herders and got the flock out of there.
The next campers showed up on Friday afternoon. A man and three children. They set up a tent. One of the boys and hatchet and he chopped with it on a log for about an hour. I was grateful that he finally got bored. Or maybe his arm got sore. He and his probably siblings got together with another gang of young-uns and ran around the campground playing some kind of Peter Pan game. I couldn't figure out what the game was but it involved a lot of yelling and a certain amount of screaming.
The next morning, one of the kids was yelling to the dad that "Tyler had the hatchet" indicating the youngest member of the gang. The dad yelled back very strongly, "If Tyler had the hatchet, TAKE IT AWAY FROM HIM." We pondered the danger of that move . . . but there were no incidents. Then they quickly packed up and left. Short camping trip, eh?
The final group, so far, were a very old couple with a nice red flatbed truck hauling a big fifth wheel. They got set up and left. Came back late, didn't spend any time outside. Next day they left early and were again gone all day. Next day, they were up early and left. For oldsters, they seemed to really have it together. AND they were quiet.
Life without TV leads to spying on your neighbors, apparently.
This morning I woke from a lovely dream about a new attraction at Disney World, kind of a huge outside Haunted Mansion set up with a lot of comedy. There were many interactions with the cast members - I asked one of them if he liked children and he said, "with salt," which I found tremendously funny. I still do. When Rocky takes me to Disney World, I like to ask her, "Where did these children come from and what are they for?"
I actually like children and don't eat them, with or without salt. I'm not the witch from Hansel and Gretel, for goodness sakes! I'm the witch from The Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West, and also the witch from Snow White - the one with poison apple.
But I digress . . .
We've been here at Campsite 2 for over a week. Yesterday was the half-way point when we resupply. We get ice, propane, and various groceries.
There is an ebb and flow to camping. We show up on a Tuesday and the campground has a lot of empty spots. Most of the people are quiet. On the weekends, the park fills up with noisy people, noisy children, bicycles, people walking dogs. Javy is very concerned about all of this. I like when Monday rolls around and there are fewer people around.
The campsite somewhat opposite of us has had three different camping groups so far. First was "angry woman." She had a big sleeping tent, a littler ten, and a nice-looking cargo box. It looked like a red coffin. There was no car there.
Angry Woman was talking on her mother on her cell phone. She was VERY loud, so we got to learn all kinds of information about her personal life, but there were some gaping holes in the narrative. She had had it with her boyfriend and was going to break up with him. He just didn't care . . . about something. He had another lover, a boyfriend. It had been that way from the beginning. She was homeless! Eventually, someone drove into the campsite. It was a man. Mike and I disagreed about whether that was the boyfriend, or whether it was a different person, a friend in whom she could confide. They kissed upon greeting - if that's a hint.
Not long after he arrived, Angry Woman started yelling and carrying on and using the F word. We could not hear the man's communications - Mike speculated that she was actually talking on her phone. She used the F-word a lot and had really had enough of the whole thing. She was through!
Eventually I could hear an angry man's voice. The Mike saw her get into the car. Then the man got into the car two and they drove away; she was tearing up the road which is impolite and dangerous in a campground but Angry Woman was VERY angry!
Some time later they came back. She had stopped yelling. They went about their business as if nothing had happened. The next day they packed up like experts and made like sheep herders and got the flock out of there.
The next campers showed up on Friday afternoon. A man and three children. They set up a tent. One of the boys and hatchet and he chopped with it on a log for about an hour. I was grateful that he finally got bored. Or maybe his arm got sore. He and his probably siblings got together with another gang of young-uns and ran around the campground playing some kind of Peter Pan game. I couldn't figure out what the game was but it involved a lot of yelling and a certain amount of screaming.
The next morning, one of the kids was yelling to the dad that "Tyler had the hatchet" indicating the youngest member of the gang. The dad yelled back very strongly, "If Tyler had the hatchet, TAKE IT AWAY FROM HIM." We pondered the danger of that move . . . but there were no incidents. Then they quickly packed up and left. Short camping trip, eh?
The final group, so far, were a very old couple with a nice red flatbed truck hauling a big fifth wheel. They got set up and left. Came back late, didn't spend any time outside. Next day they left early and were again gone all day. Next day, they were up early and left. For oldsters, they seemed to really have it together. AND they were quiet.
Life without TV leads to spying on your neighbors, apparently.
This morning I woke from a lovely dream about a new attraction at Disney World, kind of a huge outside Haunted Mansion set up with a lot of comedy. There were many interactions with the cast members - I asked one of them if he liked children and he said, "with salt," which I found tremendously funny. I still do. When Rocky takes me to Disney World, I like to ask her, "Where did these children come from and what are they for?"
I actually like children and don't eat them, with or without salt. I'm not the witch from Hansel and Gretel, for goodness sakes! I'm the witch from The Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West, and also the witch from Snow White - the one with poison apple.
But I digress . . .