- To deprive any Democratic Party candidate of even a single vote is to support the GOP.
- Supporting the GOP is supporting an active proponent of the right of domestics terrorists to have access to assault weapons.
- In recent mass shootings using assault weapons, dozens of people have been killed and injured. The terrorist's targets in these recent cases were black people shopping, Asian-American people attending church, and children at state mandated school. There have been 11 mass shootings in the last five days since Uvalde.
- A common thread is obvious of incels steeped in an online culture of hate, nihilism, racism, misogyny, and homophobia. Rarely do we see causal forces of parental abuse or outright mental illness. What we see is neglected, damaged, misguided, immature, gunned-up late-teen early-adult males.
- The propaganda arm of the neo-fascist movement in America includes Fox opinion leaders like Tucker Carlson, who along with other repugnant members of the GOP and its allies, build up nonsense racist narratives such as "replacement" which one recent mass murderer / terrorist described in great detail in his writing.
- Another recent terrorist / mass murderer wore a GoPro while committing his crimes / acts of war. On the dark, private side of the web, he wrote a "how to" in a question and answer format.
- So when I say that depriving any Democrat of a single vote is supporting mass murder, I mean it. Whether it's not voting or it's voting Green or some other not BLUE candidate, I don't mean maybe.
- Perhaps there is an exception. If there is, keep it to yourself. Tell people to VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO.
- Yes, I do mean Joe Manchin. Sure, vote him out in the primary. But in the general, in the fall, even Joe Manchin is better than whatever racist, misogynistic, homophobic fascist the GOP runs.
Dr. P-J